
Your Holiday in Austria

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Großdorf 78, Kals am Großglockner, Osttirol


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Kals am Großglockner

Kals am Großglockner

Osttirol, Tirol

Gemeinde Kals am Großglockner

Kals am Großglockner is a municipality with 1121 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2022) in the Austrian district of Lienz (East Tyrol) and district-wide the third largest municipality in terms of area. The municipal area of Kals includes the entire Kalser Valley and a small part of the Iseltal. The main village of Ködnitz itself is located about 30 kilometers north-northwest of the city of Lienz. Economically, agriculture and tourism play an important role in the municipality, with Kals benefiting from its location on the Großglockner (3798 m), Austria's highest mountain. The municipality is located in the judicial district of Lienz.